Saturday, January 1, 2011

Apple-cider-sicles and resolutions.

As the new year starts off I'm actually going to have a resolution, for the most part I have never had resolutions... I always thought they were sort of ridiculous, why wait until the new year starts to change your life, seems like you're already trying to put it off.

My resolution involves quite a few things, but the one that pertains to this blog is that I'd like to improve Little Frosted Adventures. So, exciting things are coming to Little Frosted Adventures this year, starting with a month of making things that are not a usual part of my repertoire. 

For the first post of the new year, I give you a very tasty treat that doesn't have the best plan of execution

Apple cider (or any juice of your choice)
Vanilla ice cream (or any ice cream of your choice)
Popsicle maker thing

What I did....(not going to classify this as a recipe seeing as how it turned out

Tim ordered me the popsicle mold 
because he is nice

I squished some ice cream into a layer on top 
of some parchment paper on a cookie sheet

I folded that ice cream up to make it more 
uniform in shape and froze it for half an hour

I stuck sticks in it after that

Squished some more ice cream on top of that,
 then froze it for another half an hour

Cut the ice cream into strips

Put the strips into the ice cream mold

I filled the excess space with apple cider
(I also had a few extra spaces which I filled

with only apple cider),
then stuck them in the fridge overnight

Tim and I stayed up to welcome in the 
new year, and he accidentally figured out
 how to make my screen do that, which
 terrified me; I thought he'd gone and broken it.

The results were sticks that came out without
 their popsicle. When the stuff was scooped
 out it tasted great though... So, I've just got
 to figure out how to remove them...

Here is one of the just apple cider ones....
they worked out just fine

Happy New Year! I look forward to sharing my food related adventures the next few months, I'm planning on a different challenge or theme each month, and I'd love to hear your ideas!

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