Saturday, March 12, 2011

Trying to post about potatoes with my phone

Who doesn't love potatoes? Especially delicious ones that aren't deep fried?
This will be a short post because I am away from home and posting with my phone.
Basically to make these you will need potatoes (yukon golds are the best), a slicer, olive oil, and seasonings.

Either peel or not peel your potatoes slice them up fairly (this time I did 1.5 mm but usually I go thicker) then toss them with 1-2 tablespoons olive oil and seasonings of your choice (I am a fan of seasoninf salt, but you can use whatever) lay them out on a wire rack above a cookie sheet and vaje at 450° for 10 - 30 minutes depending on thickness. Letting them get light brown spots will leave them soft but if you wait for them to get a bit darker they willbe crispy but have a stronger flavor.
Happy baking everyone!

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